
The city is a role model for electric bikes!

    In the pursuit of transportation electrification, more and more people believe that the future of transportation is not four-wheeled, but two-wheeled. As e-bikes grow in popularity, enthusiasts increasingly see them as a tool to reduce car traffic and air pollution, rather than just a fun new toy. States, cities and utility companies in the United States have begun offering vouchers or discounts to help residents buy electric bicycles. Some places are combining these projects with new efforts to expand bike lanes and connect bike corridors.

    The city of Denver's new program that offers discounts for e-bikes is very popular. Denver citizens can get a $400 to $1,700 discount on an electric bike. This month, the latest batch of 400 vouchers was snapped up by citizens in just minutes after being posted on the city's portal. The project was first launched in April this year and is now in its fifth round. Even Grace Rink, Denver's chief climate officer, was surprised by the impact of the subsidy program, which he saw as a way to help Denver meet its climate goals and reduce air pollution. As local communities do more to meet net-zero targets, the city is now increasingly seen as a model for the rest of the United States.

    The initiative in Denver stemmed from a vote in 2020 when residents passed a 0.25 percent sales tax increase to fund $40 million a year for climate action, aiming to push the city toward its goal of net-zero emissions by 2040. When Climate Action, Sustainability and CASR first launched the project, more than 3,000 applications were received in just a few weeks. Demand is so high that the city has recalibrated its approach and now offers a limited number of discount coupons on a monthly basis.

    What makes Denver so unique? While nationally, only a handful of states and localities plan to subsidize e-bikes, Denver's project stands out for two reasons. First, vouchers are issued on a flexible scale, with the largest benefits reserved for the individuals with the lowest incomes. Income eligibility is a key part of the project as it will be incorporated into climate action. Another important feature is the city's partnership with local retailers, which also provide additional discounts at designated points of sale, which helps ensure that bike vouchers incentivize recipients to keep their money circulating in the local economy.

    But Denver's plan won't work perfectly for every city. Increased investment in infrastructure, including the construction and maintenance of bike lanes and venues where bikes can be parked safely and compliantly, is critical to increasing the attractiveness and safety of using e-bikes as a regular means of transportation, but it also entails high infrastructure costs, with even a mile of bike lanes costing millions of dollars. But given that transportation is the second-largest source of emissions in a city like Denver, where 75 percent of cars in the city "drive alone" and that "most commutes are within 6 miles of home," the costs are worth it.

    On the question of how to quickly and effectively reduce emissions in cities, we can confidently answer that e-bikes have the best return on investment in solving this problem. The electric bicycles produced by Yousuyi feature lithium-ion battery-powered motors that can assist drivers when riding, allowing a wider range of people to travel more and longer than traditional bicycles, and helping to reduce the traffic flow and emissions of traditional cars, and their prices are also very attractive. We believe that electric bicycles have great potential to replace car travel and give people more travel options. E-bikes are a game-changer, breaking the dependence on cars, providing mobility opportunities for people who cannot afford them, and facilitating sustainable transportation.


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2022-11-05 10:23:07

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